Five Signs Your Yoga Class isn’t Working For You


Yoga can be a transformative experience for body and mind. Flocks of newbies are rushing to yoga class to try and soak up some new-age, feel-good, life-altering epiphanies while getting a workout.

In today’s Westernized yoga culture, you can find something for everyone.

Not every class will be for you. We can sometimes leave yoga worse than we were when we first stepped onto the mat.

There are five signs your yoga class may not be working.

Feeling stressed or anxious during practice

It can happen. Some teachers will not get along with all students. Even small things, like music or smells, can trigger a variety of emotions. The temperature or speed of a hot class can cause anxiety and stress.

Try something new if your current practice is causing you to feel negative.

You’re Getting Injured

It happens. It shouldn’t happen, but it does. Some teachers may not be as experienced or too hands-on with their students.

It is important to be guided by a yoga instructor who has experience and knowledge when you are trying out cool tricks such as arm balances and Inversions. Yoga injuries are not uncommon, but their frequency is alarming.

You should change classes if you are uncomfortable with the teacher’s harsh corrections or if your neck hurts after each headstand.

You can’t catch your breath.

Asana is meant to make us flexible and strong. Asana practice is supposed to make us strong and flexible.

Yoga is not intended as a cardio exercise. Do not practice yoga if you can’t breathe calmly through your nose throughout the whole practice. Try something slower.

You hate the decor

It may sound silly, yet the atmosphere and energy of your yoga studio are a crucial part of a successful practice. You want to create a space that evokes a sense of calmness, safety, or excitement.

If you are too distracted by the color of your wall or the floor in your yoga studio, it will affect how you practice.

The commute takes longer than the class.

It’s not very motivating if your favorite yoga studio is three counties away.

Convenience is more important than the quality of the yoga teacher or the beauty of the studio. You don’t want to think about traffic and road closures when you are heading to yoga class.

Yoga should become a part of your daily routine, a stress-free, easy part of your life. It’s time to be excited about yoga!

This experience includes the teacher, studio, commute, and community. You want to make sure that your yoga class works for you so that you can continue your practice.

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